Returning from a trip to Göteborg, Sweden, I compile the colors of this city.
Blue for the sea and sky.
Red for the sturdy buildings and bastions of brick (red, also, for the mirth of the people).
Grey for the cobbled streets and water vessels.
Pale yellow for treasured light.
A lovely city with its face to the ocean winds. I enjoyed my time in its streets.
And now to draw.

Aaaaaaaagggggghhhhhhh........I'm glowing green with envy! I have wanted to go to Sweden for years now. I will get there. Holidays difficult at the mo, with an aged old pooch, who I won't leave with anyone, unless it's my Son. So only weekends away. I hope it was a lovely place as this is where I'd like to go, rather than Stockholm? I did my thesis on Carl Larson at college and have wanted to go since then, which is a zillion years ago :)
I so know about travel curtailing around older pets! It's even hard to leave the young ones- I swear our cats pine for us! This was our first venture over the seas without our daughter of 14 years, who stayed with a trusted family friend.
Okay, yes, you have to go and you will. I know several of my husband's colleagues from Leeds who were there (we were there as Dan/husband had a conference organized by Volvo) and said the flight is quite quick.
Very do-able city, walking wise. The "Kungstmuseet" has only a few Larsons- maybe six? But nice to see the few up close. It was one of those lightly guarded museums where you can get your nose right up to the paint strokes! I bet Stockholm's art museum has the bulk of his work though, right? There's also the town Larson lived, where you can tour his house? This would be wonderful to see (I'd like to see more of the country as well). Larson was and still is such an influence, as was his wife, in Swedish design of today.
Do you watch the Wallendar series? I like both the BBC version and the Swedish guy.
I also think Goteborg could be a good short, 3 day/long weekend trip if you could get a good package deal, an "intro" to Sweden so to speak. They were so friendly there- and every one speaks English, even if you try to speak Swedish first! And, ohhhh, the food was fab. Fish soup, fresh fresh fresh produce, wonderful coffee. Not tooo expensive, if you stick to simple cafe meals. We found the evening meals at even moderate looking places quite $$$$$$$. But other things, like ferry rides quite cheap. Put this all in your pocket for when you can go, and it will be a pleasure to hear what you think of this place!
Okay- our dinner time here- have a good one!
What wonderful pictures, looks like you absorbed all the sights, sounds and tastes while you were there! I didn't realize our last daughters at home were so close in age!
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