Ahh- winter. We midwesterners embrace it, snow and all. We have no choice! But most of us have a fondness for the deep dark months anyway. Time to gather in, take stock, refresh lungs in the frozen air, then settle in for the long evenings by a blazing fire...
I'm purging reluctantly, the richness of the holiday season for the purity of the New Year. Here is how the art of others- all Iowa City Eastside Artists- currently lights up our home.
Have a creative 2010!
Artist's work, from top to bottom: Kashaul Jain's painted gourd ornaments; Melissa Arp's doll ornament; Paul Maxwell's wooden bowl; Nancy Romalov's wooden candy cane; Susan Shimmeck's textile table runner; Melissa Arp's doll ornament; Kashual Jain's decorative gourd.