Saturday, November 24, 2012


We drove to Chicago the day before Thanskgiving, with plenty of late fall Illinois field and woodland to contemplate. I had my tin of colored pencils and sketch book and again I just doodled. Lucy came up with my title (she's taking Spanish in middle school!).

I am thankful for my family, warm cars and clear roads, nature, a big city preparing for Holiday, twinkling rivers, chutney on crusty bread, red wine, Michigan avenue store windows, and this place called the End of the Year.


  1. the fall-cobalt color contrast, along with the splash of Spanish! How was Chicago?! I'm so envious! Here's to the best of everything for this season. :-)

    d u b r o v n i k

  2. Thanks for your note! I hope your little nuts gathered back under the Mother Tree this week, too. I loved your recent letter- Lucy walked by me as I was reading it and said" What's that?" I said "It's called a letter and people used to write them more than they do now, unfortunately"! What a tweerp. XXX
