Friday, September 28, 2012

Done with part of a big project this afternoon. Just the rough sketches of the job, but this bit is always the most draining. The weather is impossibly autumnal and lovely, so it will be nice to lounge in the sun late afternoon now. 

Here's a photo from my drawing board. It almost looks like my table is outdoors! Not a bad idea- I've thought about building a conservatory/glass studio before! In my dreams...


  1. I love to see peoples work areas, that looks very Christmassy, I like your stylised drawing. I'm not sure your header is new as I commented before, but at least I knew it was different. Looks like nice weather there too. :)

  2. That's why I love your profile pic so much; I get to see your lovely work table in action! Hope you are having a great fall so far.

    PS- I'll try and get to that scratchbaord tutorial soon!
