Our cats slept together last night. Now, that wouldn't be extraordinary in itself- it was below zero here in our fair city and warmth was a premium- but these cats aren't fond of each other. During most days, they have had blood-thirsty, fur-flying, screech-scratching battles. Hissing punctuates any slight interaction. They are sisters, but most of the time, they prefer to be alone. So, this was a lovely little scene to behold by full moon light. A ying and yang of comfort. Bea, the orange tabby (aka "Bowling Ball") and Fauve, the spirited tortie, put away their differences on a frigid winter's night and slumbered in peace.
What a beautiful drawing!!!! And how wonderful-- ying/yang!
ReplyDeleteI LOVE love LOVE this drawing! Whats funny is... my cats dont often sleep together either, and last night they were cuddled up when we got back from the restaurant! You know its cold!
ReplyDeleteJennifer and Candace- I love BOTH of your kitty drawing styles- can we go wrong with one of the most beautiful kinds of creatures around?