Monday, December 28, 2009

The Art of Winter

Ahh- winter. We midwesterners embrace it, snow and all. We have no choice! But most of us have a fondness for the deep dark months anyway. Time to gather in, take stock, refresh lungs in the frozen air, then settle in for the long evenings by a blazing fire...

I'm purging reluctantly, the richness of the holiday season for the purity of the New Year. Here is how the art of others- all Iowa City Eastside Artists- currently lights up our home.

Have a creative 2010!

Artist's work, from top to bottom: Kashaul Jain's painted gourd ornaments; Melissa Arp's doll ornament; Paul Maxwell's wooden bowl; Nancy Romalov's wooden candy cane; Susan Shimmeck's textile table runner; Melissa Arp's doll ornament; Kashual Jain's decorative gourd.

Thursday, December 10, 2009


If you are in the Iowa City Area, please join us at our downtown annual art show and sale! Let me know if you didn't see something you were looking for!